Preconstruction Services in Kenya

Embarking on a construction project in Kenya requires meticulous planning and organization. You need the best preconstruction Services in Kenya to ensure a seamless and successful construction journey, it is crucial to engage in preconstruction services. At Arctic Space and Builders, we pride ourselves on being one of the leading construction companies in Kenya, offering top-notch preconstruction services. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we aim to guide you through the preconstruction phase, setting a solid foundation for your project\’s success.

Preconstruction Services in Kenya

This process involves continuous monitoring and interaction.

Process Schematic Phase

During the schematic phase of the building construction process, Arctic Space and Builders focuses on key activities to establish a solid foundation for your project. Here is a breakdown of the schematic phase in bullet form:

  • Assist in the selection of the project team, including architects, engineers, and consultants.
  • Review the building program and define project scope and objectives.
  • Coordinate and review consulting studies and reports.
  • Oversee constructability reviews to identify any potential issues.
  • Analyze property line documentation and cross-check with the physical location.
  • Analyze soil reports to identify any hidden costs or concerns.
  • Verify water, sewage, electrical, and telephone easements.
  • Identify any flooding or storm drain concerns.
  • Verify zoning and environmental restrictions.
  • Identify any out-of-property infrastructure costs.
  • Prepare value analysis reports for costs of alternate building systems and materials.
  • Perform constructability reviews and recommend cost-effective alternatives.
  • Prepare a feasibility budget to assess the financial viability of the project.
  • Determine bonding requirements for the construction project.
  • Analyze life cycle costs to evaluate long-term expenses.
  • Prepare cost checks to monitor and control project expenses.
  • Prepare initial cash flow projections to plan for funding requirements.

The schematic phase is a critical stage where the project\’s scope, feasibility, and cost implications are evaluated. Arctic Space and Builders ensures thorough assessments, comprehensive analysis, and effective coordination to set the stage for a successful construction project.

Building Construction Process Schematic Phase

During the site evaluation phase of the building construction process, Arctic Space and Builders provides preconstruction Services in Kenya through assessment of the construction site to gather important information and address potential challenges. Here is a breakdown of the site evaluation process:

  • Verify property line documentation
  • Cross-check property boundaries on-site
  • Analyze soil reports and conduct necessary tests
  • Assess soil conditions, stability, and bearing capacity
  • Identify hidden costs related to the site
  • Verify water, sewage, electrical, and telephone easements
  • Confirm the location and extent of utility easements
  • Evaluate the site for flooding or storm drain concerns
  • Implement appropriate mitigation measures for drainage
  • Verify zoning regulations and environmental restrictions
  • Understand setbacks, height restrictions, and conservation areas
  • Identify any out-of-property infrastructure requirements
  • Plan and budget for off-site infrastructure needs
  • Consider road access, utility connections, and drainage systems
  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of site risks and opportunities
  • Use findings to inform project planning and cost estimation
  • Mitigate potential site-related challenges proactively
  • Ensure compliance with regulations and minimize disruptions
  • Optimize site utilization and construction efficiency

Cost Management/Estimating

Cost Management/Estimating plays a crucial role in the construction process, helping to ensure that projects are budgeted accurately and efficiently. Here are the key processes involved in Cost Management/Estimating:

  • Prepare value analysis reports: Assess the costs of alternate building systems and materials to identify cost-effective options without compromising quality.
  • Perform constructability reviews: Evaluate the feasibility and practicality of the construction plans and recommend cost-effective alternatives that optimize resources.
  • Prepare a feasibility budget: Develop a budget that reflects the estimated costs of labor, materials, equipment, and other project-related expenses to determine project feasibility.
  • Determine bonding requirements: Determine the bonding or insurance requirements for the project, considering factors such as project size, complexity, and contractual obligations.
  • Analyze life cycle costs: Consider the long-term costs associated with the project, including maintenance, repairs, and operational expenses, to assess the overall financial impact.
  • Prepare cost checks: Regularly review and compare project costs against the estimated budget to monitor expenses and identify potential cost overruns or deviations.
  • Prepare initial cash flow: Develop a cash flow projection to track the expected inflow and outflow of funds during the construction project, ensuring adequate financial planning and management.
  • Collaborate with architects and engineers: Work closely with the project team to review design plans and specifications, identify cost-saving opportunities, and align cost estimates with the project scope.
  • Utilize cost management software: Employ specialized software and tools to streamline the cost estimation process, enhance accuracy, and generate detailed reports for effective cost control.

By implementing effective cost management and estimating practices, Arctic Space and Builders ensures that projects are financially viable, budgets are adhered to, and clients receive the best value for their investment.

Design Development Phase

During the Design Development phase of a construction project, Arctic Space and Builders focuses on translating conceptual designs into detailed plans. Here are the key processes involved in the Design Development phase:

  • Coordinate with the Architectural and Engineering (A&E) team: Collaborate closely with architects, engineers, and other consultants to refine the design and ensure compliance with project requirements and building codes.
  • Monitor document compliance: Review and monitor design documents to ensure they align with the project scope, specifications, and regulatory standards.
  • Recommend cost-saving alternatives: Propose alternate construction methods and materials that offer cost savings without compromising quality or functionality. Utilize Building Information Modeling (BIM) to visualize and analyze design options.
  • Resolve spatial conflicts: Address any spatial conflicts that arise during the detailed design stage. This includes resolving clashes between different building systems, equipment, or structural elements.
  • Provide detailed shop installation drawings: Generate accurate and comprehensive shop installation drawings that align with the coordinated design plans. These drawings help contractors and tradespeople understand the precise installation requirements.
  • Provide visualization tools: Use visual aids, such as 3D modeling or virtual reality, to help stakeholders better understand the design intent and visualize the finished project.
  • Assist in scheduling and sequencing: Use the detailed design plans to assist in developing construction schedules and sequencing. This ensures efficient project execution and minimizes delays.
  • Reduce Requests for Information (RFIs): By providing detailed and coordinated design documentation, the Design Development phase aims to minimize RFIs, which helps streamline the construction process and reduces administrative burden.

The Design Development phase is a critical step in translating initial design concepts into practical and constructible plans. Arctic Space and Builders\’ expertise in coordinating design teams, recommending cost-saving alternatives, and providing detailed documentation helps ensure that the project progresses smoothly from concept to construction.

Time Management/Scheduling

Time management and scheduling are vital aspects of construction projects to ensure efficient progress and timely completion. Our Preconstruction Services in Kenya follows effective time management and scheduling processes during construction projects. Here are the key processes involved:

  • Prepare initial milestone schedule: Develop an initial schedule that outlines major project milestones and key deliverables. This provides a clear timeline for the project\’s overall progress.
  • Determine permitting and approval requirements: Identify the necessary permits, approvals, and regulatory requirements needed for the project. This includes coordinating with local authorities and ensuring compliance with building codes and regulations.
  • Prepare phasing/sequencing schedule: Create a detailed schedule that outlines the sequence of construction activities, considering dependencies, critical paths, and resource availability. This helps optimize the project\’s workflow and efficiency.
  • Prepare the master project schedule: Develop a comprehensive master schedule that integrates all project activities, including design, procurement, construction, and inspections. This serves as a roadmap for the entire project duration.
  • Identify owner-furnished and long-lead items: Identify items or materials that the project owner needs to provide, as well as long-lead items that have longer procurement times. This helps ensure timely availability and avoids delays.
  • Implement schedule control measures: Continuously monitor and track the project\’s progress against the established schedule. This includes identifying potential bottlenecks, addressing delays promptly, and implementing corrective measures to keep the project on track.
  • Coordinate with subcontractors and suppliers: Effectively communicate and coordinate with subcontractors and suppliers to ensure their activities align with the project schedule. Regular progress meetings and site visits help monitor progress and address any scheduling issues.
  • Adjust schedules as needed: Remain flexible and adapt the schedule as unforeseen circumstances or changes occur during the construction process. This may involve revising timelines, reallocating resources, or implementing alternative strategies to minimize delays.

By implementing robust time management and scheduling practices, Arctic Space and Builders ensures that projects are completed within the agreed timelines, optimizing efficiency and client satisfaction.

Construction Document Phase

The Construction Document phase is a crucial stage in the construction process where detailed plans and specifications are prepared to guide the actual construction. Arctic Space and Builders follows a meticulous approach during this phase to ensure accurate and comprehensive documentation. Here are the key processes involved in the Construction Document phase:

  • Organize field staff: Assemble a dedicated team of construction professionals, including project managers, engineers, and architects, who will oversee the implementation of the construction documents.
  • Design management reporting system: Establish a reporting system to track and manage the construction documents effectively. This includes document control procedures, submittal schedules, and change order management processes.
  • Document review and coordination: Conduct a thorough review of the construction documents, including architectural drawings, structural plans, mechanical and electrical drawings, and specifications. Ensure coordination and integration among different disciplines to avoid conflicts or discrepancies.
  • Quality control plan: Develop a quality control plan in collaboration with the architect and project owner. This plan outlines the procedures and criteria for inspecting and verifying the construction work, ensuring compliance with industry standards and project requirements.
  • Document control: Implement a robust document control system to manage revisions, updates, and distribution of construction documents. This ensures that all stakeholders have access to the latest versions of the plans and specifications.
  • Submittal procedures: Establish clear procedures for reviewing, approving, and tracking submittals from contractors and suppliers. This includes reviewing shop drawings, product data, and material samples to ensure compliance with design intent and project specifications.
  • Preparing bid documents: Develop comprehensive instructions to bidders, bid forms, and contract documents for the procurement process. This involves defining the scope of work, contract terms, and evaluation criteria for selecting contractors.
  • Pre-construction conference: Organize a pre-construction conference with all key stakeholders, including the project owner, contractors, and consultants. This allows for clear communication, clarification of project requirements, and establishment of project protocols.
  • Assist in obtaining permits: Collaborate with the project team to facilitate the process of obtaining necessary permits and approvals from relevant authorities. This includes preparing and submitting permit applications and coordinating with regulatory agencies.

The Construction Document phase is an important part in specifications are in place before the actual construction begins, minimizing the potential for errors, conflicts, and delays. Arctic Space and Builders provides best preconstruction Services in Kenya. Our approach to document preparation and coordination helps ensure a smooth transition from the design phase to the construction phase of the project.

Bidding and Procurement Phase- Preconstruction Services in Kenya

The Bidding and Procurement phase is a crucial stage in the construction process where contractors and suppliers are selected and contracts are awarded. Arctic Space and Builders follows a systematic approach during this phase to ensure a fair and transparent bidding process. Here are the key processes involved in the Bidding and Procurement phase:

  • Prepare instructions to bidders: Develop detailed instructions that outline the project requirements, scope of work, and evaluation criteria for potential bidders. This includes providing necessary documentation, such as project plans, specifications, and contract terms.
  • Conduct walk-through and on-site visits: Arrange site visits and walk-throughs to familiarize potential bidders with the project site, allowing them to assess the conditions and requirements firsthand. This helps contractors in preparing accurate and competitive bids.
  • Mobilize field staff: Assemble a team of field staff who will oversee the bidding process, including bid evaluation and contractor selection. These individuals are responsible for managing bid submissions, organizing pre-bid conferences, and coordinating with bidders.
  • Implement submittal procedures: Establish clear procedures for receiving and reviewing bid submissions from contractors. This includes evaluating bids based on predetermined criteria, such as cost, experience, qualifications, and compliance with project requirements.
  • Hold pre-bid conferences: Conduct pre-bid conferences to address potential bidder questions, clarify project specifications, and provide any necessary additional information. This promotes transparency and ensures that all bidders have access to the same information.
  • Solicit bids: Advertise the project and invite qualified contractors to submit their bids. This may involve publishing bid notices, utilizing online platforms, or contacting prequalified contractors directly. The bid period allows contractors to prepare and submit their proposals.
  • Award subcontracts: Evaluate the received bids based on the established criteria and select the most suitable contractors for the project. Once the evaluation process is complete, award the subcontracts to the selected contractors and formalize the contractual agreements.
  • Preconstruction conference: Organize a preconstruction conference with the awarded contractors and key project stakeholders. This serves as an opportunity to discuss project details, roles and responsibilities, schedule coordination, and any other pertinent matters.
  • Assist in obtaining permits: Collaborate with the contractors and regulatory authorities to facilitate the procurement of necessary permits and approvals. This may involve providing documentation, coordinating inspections, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

The Bidding and Procurement phase ensures a competitive and transparent process for selecting contractors and suppliers for the construction project. Arctic Space and Builders\’ meticulous approach to bid evaluation and contractor selection helps ensure that qualified and experienced professionals are engaged, leading to successful project execution.

5 Main Services

  1. Residential Construction: We specialize in building residential properties, including single-family homes, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums. Our experienced team ensures that every aspect of the construction process, from design to completion, is executed with precision and attention to detail.
  2. Commercial Construction: We have extensive experience in constructing commercial properties, such as office buildings, retail spaces, hotels, and restaurants. Our goal is to create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet the unique requirements of our clients\’ businesses.
  3. Renovations and Remodeling: Whether you need to update your existing space or transform it entirely, our renovation and remodeling services are tailored to meet your specific needs. We handle everything from minor upgrades to complete renovations, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process.
  4. Interior Design: Our team of talented interior designers can bring your vision to life by creating functional and visually appealing interior spaces. We focus on optimizing space utilization, selecting quality finishes, and incorporating innovative design elements to enhance the overall aesthetics and functionality of your property.
  5. Project Management: We provide comprehensive project management services, overseeing all aspects of the construction process. Our dedicated project managers ensure effective communication, efficient resource allocation, and timely completion of projects within budget and according to the highest quality standards.
  6. Structural Engineering: Our in-house team of structural engineers ensures the integrity and stability of your construction project. We conduct detailed structural analysis, design robust structural systems, and provide expert consultation to ensure the safety and longevity of your building.
  7. Waterproofing Solutions: We specialize in providing effective and reliable waterproofing solutions to protect your property from water damage. Our expert team utilizes high-quality materials and advanced techniques to ensure that your structure remains dry and protected from moisture-related issues.
  8. Consultancy Services: We offer consultancy services to guide our clients throughout the construction process. From feasibility studies and cost estimation to project planning and regulatory compliance, our experienced consultants provide valuable insights and support to help you make informed decisions.

At Arctic Space and Builders, we take pride in our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and customer satisfaction. Contact us today to discuss your construction needs and let us bring your vision to life.