Biodigester Services in Kenya

Are you one of the many people who are looking forward to having a bio-digester plant installed in their home? Congratulations on taking such a risky step. Installing a bio-digester in your home would save you money on gas and benefit the environment. In Kenya, Arctic Space and Builders offers the best biodigester services.
These are small, efficient tanks that degrade organic material in wastewater to create water and odorless gases.
Bio-digesters work pretty well once correctly fitted, and exhausting is eliminated. This is because bio-digester tanks are designed to serve as bacteria incubators and to offer all of the conditions essential for aerobic and anaerobic organic waste digestion. First, they catalyze the process, an enzyme is added to the tank.

BioDigester Services in Kenya

We tailor bio-digesters to the number of users and other requirements such as water recycling, biogas generation, and site location.

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Installation of a Bio-Digester

We create bio-digesters in a variety of sizes and materials. Depending on the client’s needs, we offer PVC and concrete digesters.

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Maintenance of the Bio-Digester

Arctic Space and Builders is the go-to company for bio-digester upkeep. We can still maintain your digester even if we weren’t the ones who constructed it.

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Bio-Digester Enzymes for Sale

We import and distribute enzymes/inocula that accelerate organic waste’s aerobic and anaerobic decomposition in bio-digester tanks.

Cost of Biodigester Construction in Kenya

The amount of burnable gas produced by your biodigester plant is determined by the volume and kind of waste, as well as the design and size of the biodigester plant. Some plants can create up to 20m3 of degradable debris per ton, while others can produce up to 800m3. A bio-digester can be used to process leftover food, animal waste, human waste, and other biodegradable materials.

Our bio-digesters are typically closed systems, which means you\’ll never have to worry about a foul odor, flies, rats, or other unwelcome pests. However, to ensure that your system is entirely secure, you should hire a reputable and well-known Bio-digester installation provider in Kenya.

If you search the market for Biodigester installation services in Kenya today, you will find many organizations claiming to be the best. However, you should be cautious since not all bio-digester installation businesses in Nairobi will provide you with the required services.
We understand how difficult it can be to discover the best Biodigester installation services in Kenya, which is why we at Arctic Space and Builders want to make it a little easier for you. We provide and install biological septic tanks designed to serve as microbe and bacterium incubators. The tanks offer all necessary conditions for organic waste\’s anaerobic or aerobic breakdown. Furthermore, we install them precisely to ensure that such a system produces no emissions.

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+254 721 694346

Why Would You Want To Put Biodigester Services in Your Home?

You are not alone if you are asking the above question. It\’s not surprising that most individuals are unaware of the benefits of a bio-digester system. Here are some tips on how to set up a Biogas system.
There\’s less room.

Compared to a septic tank usually positioned near the gate, a biodigester requires less room to build and may be placed anywhere in the enclosure.

The septic tank occupies a lot of space since it has at least three chambers for treating wastewater.

Biodigesters are available in sizes ranging from one cubic meter to two, two and a half, three, four, and 7.5 cubic meters, with one cubic meter holding 1,000 liters of water. On the other hand, a conventional septic tank is usually ten by 10 meters.

As a result, because they don\’t have the luxury of the room, most city people opt for biodigesters,” he explains.

Timeline for construction

If prefabricated slabs are used, you can build a biodigester in less than a day or two days if blocks are used. The top slab must be allowed to dry before putting blocks and then interior bedding before being covered.

It takes at least a week for a septic tank to be ready for use, as both the bottom and top slabs must be allowed to dry.

After plastering and casting, more time is spent waiting for it to dry before being used.

“The quantity of work required exceeds a week.” First, it is necessary to pour concrete at the foundation and then wait for it to cure before laying blocks on top of it. After that, you\’ll need iron rods to cast, so it doesn’t sink.

Costs of construction and upkeep

A septic tank is more expensive to install and maintain than a biodigester. The amount of time and materials required to set up the former is more significant. Then there are the ongoing maintenance costs.

A biodigester can operate for years without maintenance because the waste produced is exhausted, whereas a septic tank needs care.

Due to a lack of exhaustion of created waste, the sludge builds up in the septic tank, which needs regular emptying to free up space. This is costly, and the number of exhaustions grows over time.

The same cannot be said of a biodigester, where trash is rapidly separated from the time it is flushed with the water traveling to the sock pit. At the same time, human waste is broken down into tiny particles by the bio culture, freeing up space and preventing the sock pit from fast filling up.

Environmental protection

Because the bio culture process has digested the biodigester\’s leftovers, they have no odor and are environmentally friendly. Greywater is produced, which is environmentally friendly.

A biodigester has two types of reactions going on simultaneously: aerobic and anaerobic. This means that oxygen is circulated during aerobic responses. The process makes it easier for bio-culture in the biodigester to break down waste in the form of sludge and reduce it to smaller particles.

However, because the septic tank allows only anaerobic reactions. There is less sludge decomposition, resulting in the waste build-up that you must remove for treatment before being released into the environment.

Construction Process

Arctic Space and Builders use key components in the construction of biodigesters, including a gas storage tank, a digester tank, a gas holder, and an inlet and outlet pipe. The construction process involves digging a pit, laying the foundation, constructing the walls, and installing the components. The cost of construction ranges from KSH 80,000 to 150,000, depending on the size of the biodigester and the type of materials used.

Step-by-Step Construction of Biodigester in Kenya with Arctic Space and Builders

  1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with Arctic Space and Builders to discuss your specific needs and requirements for a biodigester. They will help you determine the best design and size for your needs.
  2. Site Assessment: Arctic Space and Builders will conduct a site assessment to determine the best location for the biodigester and ensure that it meets all necessary requirements.
  3. Planning and Design: Based on the consultation and site assessment, Arctic Space and Builders will create a detailed plan for the construction of the biodigester. It includes the necessary materials, tools, and equipment.
  4. Obtaining Permits: Arctic Space and Builders will assist with obtaining all necessary permits for the construction of the biodigester.
  5. Excavation and Site Preparation: Arctic Space and Builders will excavate and prepare the site for construction, ensuring that it is level and stable.
  6. Construction: Using the plan created in step 3, Arctic Space and Builders will construct the biodigester, including the walls, gas storage tank, digester tank, gas holder, and inlet and outlet pipes. They will also install any necessary electrical or plumbing components.
  7. Testing and Commissioning: Arctic Space and Builders will test the biodigester to make sure it is functioning properly and producing biogas. Once the biodigester is operational, it is ready to be used for cooking, lighting, and heating.
  8. Maintenance and Upkeep: Arctic Space and Builders will provide ongoing maintenance and upkeep services for the biodigester, ensuring its long-term success.

Biodigesters as an Alternative to Pit Latrines

In many rural areas in Kenya, pit latrines are the primary method for disposing of human waste. However, pit latrines can pose a significant health risk and environmental hazard, especially if not properly maintained. Biodigesters provide a safe and sustainable alternative to pit latrines.

A biodigester is a system that converts organic waste into biogas through a process of anaerobic digestion. In addition to generating biogas, biodigesters also produce a nutrient-rich fertilizer that can be used for agriculture. Biodigesters can be used to treat human waste, food waste, and livestock waste.

Biodigesters have many benefits over pit latrines, including:

  1. Improved Sanitation: Biodigesters provide a safer and more hygienic way to treat human waste compared to pit latrines, reducing the risk of disease transmission.
  2. Reduced Environmental Impact: Unlike pit latrines, biodigesters do not pollute groundwater or contribute to soil contamination.
  3. Renewable Energy: Biodigesters generate biogas that can be used for cooking, heating, and lighting, reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
  4. Agricultural Benefits: Biodigesters produce a fertilizer that can be used to improve soil fertility and crop yields, benefiting farmers and rural communities.